Our Beliefs

Our Vision

To be an institution that designs, establishes, challenges, and then
with continuous improvement as a cornerstone, reestablishes the most
effective ways of learning for children To become life-long learners who
are proud of their values, their roots, and their beliefs.

Our Mission

Design and develop a bespoke learning environment that encourages all learners to find their true potential, at their own pace.
To remain committed to the Montessori philosophy of learning as a holistic, inclusive system that follows the child’s learning journey from an early age right till the conclusion of their schooling years.
To be dedicated to continuous improvement by analyzing the needs of our learners and then arranging for tools, methods, and practices to help fulfill them, especially keeping in mind technological advancements and demographic, behavioral, and psychological changes and challenges.
Set an example for how classic values of discipline, strong morals, honoring one’s heritage and values are to be upheld at all times to be the best possible version of oneself.
To document our system of effective learning that focuses on the professional development and training of the teacher, the management, and the students so that this model can be used by others as well inshaAllah. The ultimate mission would be to share with others our carefully designed and developed system so that the maximum number of children across Pakistan can benefit from it.

EMS Values

To be an institution that designs, establishes, challenges, and then, with continuous improvement as a cornerstone, reestablishes the most effective ways of learning for children to become life-long learners who are proud of their values, their roots, and their beliefs. 

We have chosen the list of our 5 guiding values from our rich Islamic and Urdu heritage as we couldn’t think of single English words that could do justice to the values we honor and work continuously towards establishing: 
Represents a value that should be at the heart of all that we do: having the sincerity to do it for the right reasons and to give it its due, as well as attaching a strong sense of ones own integrity to all that we do.
There is an important saying: ‘Ba Adab, Ba Naseeb’ which loosely translates to good fortune being the result of having respect and the right etiquette. It reflects on the importance we give to one, respecting all individuals and two, the recognition that true learning takes place only after we submit ourselves to receiving knowledge the way it deserves to be received
To be dedicated to continuous improvement by analyzing the needs of our learners and then arranging for tools, methods, and practices to help fulfill them, especially keeping in mind technological advancements and demographic, behavioral, and psychological changes and challenges.
we don’t shy away from hardwork, we take pride in it. Our students will work on their robotics project well into the night for weeks at end without giving up, or they will take up all summer classes to work on concepts that they found tough in class, they will do extra sports drills, they’ll write and rewrite their essays over and over, they’ll do all the additional worksheets that their teachers will happily put in extra effort to make. Our teachers strive to become better and better through professional development courses and self-learning, and on-the-job training sessions, whatever it takes to get to our goals.
Excellence. Imtiaz is both a central value itself as well as the culmination of all our other values. Imtiaz is the consequence of being sincere and honest, and hardworking, and respectful but it is also a value that we strive for in all that we do. We don’t just get a job done, we want to get it done in the best manner possible, with the best intentions, and for the right reasons.