COVID 19 hit all walks of life alike and for the first time we witnessed a sudden halt in normal school operations worldwide.

Effective teaching and learning have always been a top priority of EMS High School.

Taking a futuristic approach, the initiation and implementation of DOJO app, well in advance enabled our students to continue with their course work.

Our continuous teacher training program and installation of online digital platform MS Teams made it possible to create a synchronous learning environment within a week.

Keeping in mind 21st century demands of today’s learners, our teachers and administration worked day and night to create effective on-line lessons despite challenges of lockdown situation. Thus, their emotional, social, and intellectual needs were catered amid evolving situation of pandemic. Real time teaching and learning was ensured through structured timetable and assessment tasks.

Keeping in mind 21st century demands of today’s learners, our teachers and administration worked day and night to create effective on-line lessons despite challenges of lockdown situation. Thus, their emotional, social, and intellectual needs were catered amid evolving situation of pandemic. Real time teaching and learning was ensured through structured timetable and assessment tasks.

Clearly, we live in unprecedented times, however we at EMS are all geared up to welcome our students back with a mix of asynchronous i.e. offline and synchronous (real time -on line) learning engagements. To provide more one to one interaction with teachers, special timetables are developed for maximum participation and meeting their learning needs. It is thus imperative for students to attend virtual classes to absorb enough curriculum for smooth transition to next grades.

We are also mindful of the importance of equipping our students with technology tools for learning. Special support classes will be arranged to facilitate students and parents to access different features of our online platform.   

EMS shares a special bond with its parents’ community. With their never-ending support and cooperation, Alhumdullilah we have been able to provide uninterrupted learning to our valued learners.